Types of Bright Light Therapy
Unfortunately, most of us typically don't get enough sunlight exposure. Most of us live in closed houses with almost zero inflow of natural sunlight. This is where the bright light therapy comes in or the great outdoors when the season and weather permits.
The Ultimate Guide to Being More Productive
Ever wondered why you end up feeling stressed out and frustrated even though you started your day with the right intentions to get things done? Maybe because you're trying to work harder instead of smarter. In this article, we've listed some of the expert-approved tips that will help you increase your productivity, and leave you with a sense of achievement every single day.
Mastering an Evening Routine
Morning and evening routines are a huge part of any performance-focused individuals day. Make some subtle changes to both of them, stick with it and see the difference.
Emotional Energy: Is It Working For You Or Against You
Unless you’re a psychopath, you have probably already experienced a multitude of emotions today, ranging from feeling mildly irritated at having to get out of bed early to bursting with excitement about the day ahead. How you feel and what emotions arise are matters of perspective, and yours will be determined by a variety of factors that add context to your current situation; past experiences, what lies ahead of you, your physiology, and many others.
Understanding the Role of Light and How it Wakes Us Up
Our internal body clock is deeply tied to exposure to light. When we expose ourselves to high-quality light during the day, our internal clock adjusts to going down to a bed when it gets dark.
What Exactly Are Nootropics?
Even before we knew what our brains were and what they are capable of, we’ve had an innate desire to get them to perform better. Think faster, be smarter, learn to think outside the box, stay focused and do more – it’s only natural that we all want to shift our brains into high gear and prime our cognitive function.
The Importance of Daily Appreciation
Do you show gratitude to people around you? Do you want them to appreciate you more? Find out why daily appreciation is the key to a happier life.
Pan cooked eggs and vegetables
One for all the whole family to get stuck into. Packed with vibrant veggies and takes less than 30 minutes to make.
Defining Human Intelligence
Human intelligence is the ability to understand and use the full capacity of your mind. It helps us to understand concepts and learn how to handle and adapt to unexpected situations. Studies show that intelligence can also be inherited and determined by genes.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding
This deliciously decadent dish tastes super indulgent but coming in at only 200 calories and a huge 29g of protein, you are going to want to make room for this! Or pop it in your fridge for the perfect high protein grab and go breakfast.
Hazelnut Shiitake Toast
This fuss-free veggie breakfast is so simple to make yet tastes unbelievable. We love the softness of the mushrooms combined with the crunch of the hazelnuts.
Meditation – What Does Science Say About It?
Interest in meditation has skyrocketed in the past few years among the general public and the scientific community. So take a look at what science actually says about meditation.