Chronological Anxiety

Chronological Anxiety

There are a lot of things we do in a day that are anxiety inducing and if we're to achieve balance with our nervous systems, minimise stress and improve our sleep there are a multitude of things we need to address differently. 


Do You Compromise Sleep?

Do You Compromise Sleep?

What's your biggest problem as a high performer?

The answer we most commonly hear is sleep.

Always disregarded, always compromised, rarely considered.

What are you doing to manage your sleep-wake cycle?

Professional Football and Chronobiology

Professional Football and Chronobiology

In a recent Podcast, HMN24 Co-Founder Phil Learney was asked about the implications of sleep-wake disruption on professional footballers and what an adjusted schedule may look like and how HMN24 products would be integrated into it. 

Insulin Sensitivity and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

Insulin Sensitivity and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

When we disrupt our sleep-wake cycle, we also impair beta cell function and insulin sensitivity; this essentially means that our body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels becomes compromised
Caffeine Needs Rules

Caffeine Needs Rules

Remember that your ‘need’ for caffeine, a stimulant, is mainly driven by your ‘need’ for sleep.

Also, your ‘need’ to use a depressant such as alcohol before bed is often driven by the overuse of the aforementioned stimulant.

What We Eat and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

What We Eat and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

Leptin and ghrelin play a crucial role in regulating our appetite and food intake and when these hormones become desynchronised, it can significantly impact our food choices and eating habits.
The Human Grand Complication

The Human Grand Complication

Our body is the grandest of complications.

Every cell has its own mechanism. A timer if you will that is set to start at a prompt, initiate a series of actions and assuming the prompt remains constant repeat.

Types of Bright Light Therapy

Types of Bright Light Therapy

Unfortunately, most of us typically don't get enough sunlight exposure. Most of us live in closed houses with almost zero inflow of natural sunlight. This is where the bright light therapy comes in or the great outdoors when the season and weather permits.
Understanding the Role of Light and How it Wakes Us Up

Understanding the Role of Light and How it Wakes Us Up

Our internal body clock is deeply tied to exposure to light. When we expose ourselves to high-quality light during the day, our internal clock adjusts to going down to a bed when it gets dark.
What Exactly Are Nootropics?

What Exactly Are Nootropics?

Even before we knew what our brains were and what they are capable of, we’ve had an innate desire to get them to perform better. Think faster, be smarter, learn to think outside the box, stay focused and do more – it’s only natural that we all want to shift our brains into high gear and prime our cognitive function.
The Acquisition of High Performance Habits

The Acquisition of High Performance Habits

Name anyone of notable success, and you instantly associate them with “high performance”. People with a succession of wins behind them, who are simply just good at what they do. People with academic or physical ability, or in some cases both.
Decoding Human Performance: Heart Rate Variability and Its Role in Exercising

Decoding Human Performance: Heart Rate Variability and Its Role in Exercising

Measuring the heart rate variability allows us to understand how our bodies react to stress, allowing us to improve performance before kicking into overdrive.