The Science Behind Combining Caffeine with Theanine

The Science Behind Combining Caffeine with Theanine

One of the most important combinations of ingredients in RISE is the combination of Caffeine and Theanine.

Caffeine and theanine are compounds found in tea but have very different effects on our brains. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that increases alertness and reduces fatigue, while theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without sedation.

Do You Compromise Sleep?

Do You Compromise Sleep?

What's your biggest problem as a high performer?

The answer we most commonly hear is sleep.

Always disregarded, always compromised, rarely considered.

What are you doing to manage your sleep-wake cycle?

Professional Football and Chronobiology

Professional Football and Chronobiology

In a recent Podcast, HMN24 Co-Founder Phil Learney was asked about the implications of sleep-wake disruption on professional footballers and what an adjusted schedule may look like and how HMN24 products would be integrated into it. 

Insulin Sensitivity and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

Insulin Sensitivity and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

When we disrupt our sleep-wake cycle, we also impair beta cell function and insulin sensitivity; this essentially means that our body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels becomes compromised
Caffeine Needs Rules

Caffeine Needs Rules

Remember that your ‘need’ for caffeine, a stimulant, is mainly driven by your ‘need’ for sleep.

Also, your ‘need’ to use a depressant such as alcohol before bed is often driven by the overuse of the aforementioned stimulant.

What We Eat and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

What We Eat and The Sleep-Wake Cycle

Leptin and ghrelin play a crucial role in regulating our appetite and food intake and when these hormones become desynchronised, it can significantly impact our food choices and eating habits.
The Human Grand Complication

The Human Grand Complication

Our body is the grandest of complications.

Every cell has its own mechanism. A timer if you will that is set to start at a prompt, initiate a series of actions and assuming the prompt remains constant repeat.

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Actions

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Actions

Making the mental shift that takes you from moping and feeling miserable to getting things done and feeling great is no easy feat. We have a few tips on building that resolve and putting it to good use.
What Is Human Resilience and Why Does It Matter

What Is Human Resilience and Why Does It Matter

The concept of human resilience has been around for some time. Now you can explore this concept and find out for yourself how to build it successfully.
The Importance of a Morning Routine and How to Create One for Yourself

The Importance of a Morning Routine and How to Create One for Yourself

Everyone talks about early birds catching the worm, but it’s not just about waking up at the break of dawn. If you create a solid morning routine and stick to it, you’ll change your life for the better. Here’s how.
Types of Bright Light Therapy

Types of Bright Light Therapy

Unfortunately, most of us typically don't get enough sunlight exposure. Most of us live in closed houses with almost zero inflow of natural sunlight. This is where the bright light therapy comes in or the great outdoors when the season and weather permits.
The Ultimate Guide to Being More Productive

The Ultimate Guide to Being More Productive

Ever wondered why you end up feeling stressed out and frustrated even though you started your day with the right intentions to get things done? Maybe because you're trying to work harder instead of smarter. In this article, we've listed some of the expert-approved tips that will help you increase your productivity, and leave you with a sense of achievement every single day.