Live on Form Podcast S2 Ep 4 | James Haskell

Live on Form Podcast S2 Ep 4 | James Haskell

Joining us on the Live On Form podcast  is James Haskell.
Undoubtedly one of the best known Rugby players and sports people in the UK. 

James has played 77 times for his country as well as playing around the world and for the British and Irish Lions, James is known as much for his ability on the field as his personality off it.
Live on Form Podcast S1 Ep 2 | Paul Cheetham-Karcz

Live on Form Podcast S1 Ep 2 | Paul Cheetham-Karcz

Having overcome a challenging upbringing, Paul Cheetham-Karcz set out on adulthood as many young men do, without a serious direction, but knowing he wanted better.