Fergus Crawley is one of the new generation of hybrid athletes paving a new path forward in the art of human physical performance. Until the last few years, you were very much one or the other- you were strong or you could endure. You couldn't be both. However, combining powerlifting, with ultra-running, triathlon and weight training, Fergus has undertaken a series of challenge events across all the platforms, recently completing a challenge to perform a 500lb squat and a 5-minute mile in the same day. But Fergus is so much more than an athlete. A driven and ambitious, goal-orientated young man, he suffered a serious bout of mental illness in his teenage years and survived an attempted suicide, Fergus is one of those guys who when you meet, you really do say "I can't believe he had mental health issues", but this only brings home the truth, that this really can affect anyone. Now he performs adventure-based challenges with the mission of raising awareness and money towards helping fellow sufferers defeat this very real and very modern beast.

FERGUS CRAWLEY PODCAST SHOW NOTES: Hybrid Training Routine (6:00) Recovery (11:30) Variety of movement (16:00) Educations traps (22:00) 500lb squat & 5 minute mile (28:30) Battle with depression (46:00) Charity work and project vertical (56:00) Efficiency and productivity (1:11:00) Future plans (1:14:00)

Connect with Fergus: Website Instagram Linked In YouTube

June 23, 2021