When we disrupt our sleep-wake cycle, we also impair beta cell function and insulin sensitivity; this essentially means that our body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels becomes compromised.

This alters the kinds of foods we crave and are drawn towards. When our blood sugar levels are unstable, our bodies may crave quick sources of energy, such as sugary or high-carbohydrate foods. This is because these foods can provide a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, temporarily alleviating feelings of fatigue or low energy.

Additionally, disruptions in insulin sensitivity can affect the body's ability to properly regulate hunger hormones like leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is responsible for signalling feelings of fullness or satiety, while ghrelin stimulates appetite. When insulin sensitivity is impaired, these hunger hormones may become dysregulated, leading to increased feelings of hunger and a tendency to overeat.

Moreover, disrupted sleep patterns can impact the brain regions responsible for food cravings and decision-making. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived individuals are more likely to crave high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich foods, which can further exacerbate issues with blood sugar control and metabolic health.

This is why studies have shown us that those who chronically disrupt this cycle are at higher risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Having a regulated sleep and wake cycle will help you manage your nutrition infinitely better, have a better restorative sleep cycle and move some significant health markers positively.

Late nights happen and create a sleep deficit if we get up at the same time we usually do. This, we can fix with some strategic napping or short sleep cycles (90 mins).

Sleep in, though, and you shift your whole biological rhythm, which creates what we term as social jet lag. All the symptoms of conventional jet lag but without the fun of travelling anywhere.

If one end of the cycle gets disrupted, don’t disrupt the other end trying to fix it!